…In All Our Affairs: Making Crises Work for You (B-15; Soft Cover)
Al-Anon's Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions (Revised) (B-8)
Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27)
2022-2025 Essential reference sourcebook. Contains "Al-Anon and Alateen Groups at Work," "Digest of Al-Anon and Alateen Policies," "World Service Handbook," and descriptive text explaining "Al-Anon's Twelve Concepts of Service." Current edition. Indexed. Spiral bound. 304 pages.
Alateen Talks Back on: Acceptance (P-68)
Alateen members share on accepting the reality of their lives using prose, poetry, and artwork from the Alateen Talk newsletter. Illustrated. 32 pages.
Alateen Talks Back on: Detachment (P-73)
Alateen Talks Back on: Serenity (P-69)
Alateen Talks Back on: Slogans (P-70)
Alateen's 4th Step Inventory (P-64)
Alateen--a day at a time (B-10)
Alateen--Hope for Children of Alcoholics (B-3; Soft Cover)
As We Understood… (B-11)
Blueprint for Progress: 4th Step Inventory (Revised) (P-91)
Courage to Be Me--Living with Alcoholism (B-23; Soft Cover)
Courage to Change (B-17; Large Print)
More daily inspiration from a fresh, diverse perspective. Insightful reflections reveal surprisingly simple things that can transform lives. Indexed. Large Print. 384 pages.
Courage to Change: One Day at a Time in Al-Anon II (B-16)
Dilemma of the Alcoholic Marriage (B-4; Soft Cover)
Discovering Choices (B-30; Soft Cover)
17.50Recovery in relationships affected by alcoholism is explored in-depth as members share how they have improved a wide variety of relationships by using the program's tools. Indexed. Soft Cover. 335 pages.
From Survival to Recovery (B-21)
Hope for Today (B-27)
Daily sharing from Al-Anon adult children members are for anyone who wants to grow in acceptance, compassion, and understanding. Indexed. 383 pages.
How Al-Anon Works for Families&Friends of Alcoholics (B-32; Soft Cover)
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Living Today in Alateen (B-26)
Living With Sobriety (P-49)
Lois Remembers (B-7; Soft Cover)
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